Friday, August 2, 2013

Products we love: Gelmix

   I have found that thickening breast milk is very, very difficult and there is only one product that works for us- Gelmix.  When we discovered that Lulu was aspirating and needed thickened bottles, I was determined to continue feeding her breast milk.  We had to find a way to make it so she could drink my milk.  We started by trying powdered rice cereal as was suggested my the doctor.  This was not a good option because when rice powder is added to breast milk, it turns into a goop-like substance and Lulu could not get it out of the bottle.  She actually had trouble gaining weight when we first started thickening because she could not get enough milk.  The bottle nipple continually clogged and we had to find a better option.  I became a mommy on a mission!  I did a lot of research and talking with other moms on-line and I found Gelmix.  It is marketed to thicken breast milk and formula.  This is the only thing that is made for breast milk, so I ordered it.  It was our last chance at continuing to give her breast milk.  If this did not work, I was planning to switch her to pre-thickened formula.
     I was immediately impressed from the very first try.  I added it to the heated bottle (must be heated to dissolve) and waited the 5 minutes that it needs to thicken appropriately.  After allowing it to thicken, I tested it to make sure it could come through the nipple of the bottle and it flowed right out.  Then came the real test- feeding it to Lulu.  She drank it wonderfully. I was so relieved and excited to continue feeding her breast milk.
     I can honestly say that I love this product.  It works great, flows well, does not alter the nutrition of the milk, does not alter taste, is very easy to use, produces a consistent thickness, and keeps Lulu happy and healthy!  The only negative about this thickener is that it has to sit for 5 minutes to achieve desired thickness.  This can be very difficult to accomplish when there is an upset hungry baby waiting!  Since she's on a feeding schedule, this is much easier to do and I know when to heat the bottles so that they are ready at the correct time.   This wonderful product has saved my ability to feed Lulu breast milk and I am so grateful!

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